Today our image is courtesy of a few buzz-folk recently returned from journeys overseas. More particularly, to Denmark and Sweden, where the bicycle-love is palpable! We thought we would share a few different ways we saw bikes being used as inspiration for taking the humble bicycle beyone just buzz-like, fitness rides: delivery, postage, furniture removals, family outings, of course general commuting and getting about and our favourite- the party bike (pictured left)! This type of bike allows for a cyclist as well as cartage of a large stereo system, an esky and sometimes even some party goers as well. I think we should definitely bring this bike trend to Brisbane!
On another note, thanks to everyone for your continued support of buzz! This month we celebrated another donation- this one to the Harvest Cambodia project for $54.
Just a reminder to keep coming, keep donating and please also, keep spreading the word- the more participants at buzz, the more healthy and happy people we have and the more we can donate to charity. Also, just a reminder that our Tuesday sessions now start at 6.15pm to allow everyone to make it in good time from work for a run or walk around the river. It's all at your own pace, you can bring a friend or 6 for company and we are there every week. Our Friday sessions are on the bike and still kick off at 6am. We are usually pulled up outside Pear Cafe by 7.15 to allow people to get on to work or home. Hope to see you all soon! :)